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Rebar Market Research in Russia

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Rebar Market Research in Russia
Content Content: Total: 121 pages, 24 tables and 37 figures
Publishing date Publishing date: July 2008
Delivery Delivery: within 24 hours by e-mail in WORD or PDF format
Languages Languages: can be provided in English or Russian
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This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.

The report is devoted to research of Russian market of ribbed rebar and forecast of its development up to 2015. The report is composed of 8 Sections, contains 121 Pages, including 37 Figures, 24 Tables. The report is a desk research. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat (Russian Service of State Statistics), Federal Customs Service of Russia, official railage statistics of JSC "RZHD", sectoral and regional mass-media, yearly and quarterly reports of companies, as well as web-sites of enterprise-producers of ferrous metals.

The first Section of the report presents review of situation in ferrous metallurgy of Russia in 2000-2007, presents data on production of key ferrous metallurgy products in the country, investments in the sector, price tendencies at Russian market of ferrous metals, data on dynamics of export and import of finished rolled steel, estimation of its apparent consumption.

The second Section of the report gives estimation of production of long-rolled steel, including by kinds, separate enterprises and regions of Russia.

The third Section is devoted to analysis of situation at rebar market in Russia. The Section presents statistics of ribbed rebar production in 2000-2007, data on regional pattern of the production, as well as on volumes of the production by separate enterprises. In addition, the Section presents data on technical requirements, imposed on rebar and its classification.

The fourth Section of the report analyses current standing of leading producers of rebar in the country, including data on pattern of the production, available productive capacities, range of the products, plans of development, sales of the products.

The fifth Section of the report analyses data of Federal Customs Service of Russia on foreign trade operations in rebar in 2000-2007. It presents data on pattern of export-import supplies of the product.

The sixth Section analyses the main rebar price tendencies in the export-import operations.

The seventh Section of the report is devoted to analysis of rebar consumption in Russia, the consumption pattern by regions, and presents information about consumers.

The eighth, final Section of the report presents forecast of production and consumption of rebar in Russia, describes plans of development of enterprises on production of long-rolled steel, including rebar.

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Table of content


1. Situation in Russian ferrous metallurgy in 2000-2007

2. Production of long-rolled steel

3. Situation at rebar market
3.1. Technical requirements, imposed on rebar, and rebar classification
3.1.1. General requirements
3.1.2. Classification of rebar
3.1.3. Normative documents
3.2. Production of rebar
3.3. Regional pattern of rebar production

4. Characteristics of leading producers of rebar
4.1. JSC «Zapadno-Sibirsky iron&steel integrated works» (ZSMK)
4.2. JSC «Chelyabinsk iron&steel integrated works» (ChMK)
4.3. JSC «Magnitogorsk iron&steel integrated works» (MMK)
4.4. JSC «Severstal’»
4.5. Other enterprises

5. Foreign trade in rebar
5.1. Export of rebar
5.2. Import of rebar

6. Prices on rebar

7. Consumption of rebar in Russia
7.1. Supply-demand balance of rebar
7.2. Regional pattern of rebar consumption
7.3. The main consumers of rebar – producers of reinforced concrete constructions

8. Forecast of development of rebar market
8.1. Forecast of production and consumption
8.2. Plans and projects of producers

Appendix Addresses and teledata of metallurgical enterprises

List of Tables:
  • Table 1. Production of main kinds of products and the key operation parameters of Russian ferrous metallurgy in 2000-2007, mln t
  • Table 2. Production of long-rolled steel by kinds, including billet and slabs for export, in Russia in 2000-2007, kt
  • Table 3. Production of long-rolled steel, including billet and slabs for export, at Russian enterprises in 2000-2007, kt
  • Table 4. Production of long-rolled steel by Federal Districts of Russia in 2000-2007, kt
  • Table 5. Class of rebar and grades of recommended steel (GOST 5781-82)
  • Table 6. Class of thermo-mechanically-strengthened rebar and grades of recommended steel (GOST 10884-94)
  • Table 7. Properties of rebar (GOST Ð 52544-2006)
  • Table 8. Production of rebar by enterprises of Russia in 2000-2007, kt
  • Table 9. Production of rebar by regions of Russia in 2000-2007, kt
  • Table 10. Production of the main kinds of products of JSC «ZSMK» in 1995-2007 and 1 quarter of 2008, kt
  • Table 11. Production of the main kinds of products of JSC «CHMK» in 1995-2007 and 1 quarter of 2008, kt
  • Table 12. Production of the main kinds of MMK’s products in 2000-2007 and 1 quarter of 2008, kt
  • Table 13. Supplies of JSC «MMK»’s rebar to distinct countries in 2007, kt
  • Table 14. Supplies of rebar JSC «MMK», broken by main consumers in 2007
  • Table 15. Production of the main kinds of products by JSC «Severstal’» in 2000-2007 and 1 quarter of 2008, kt
  • Table 16. Export of rebar from Russia in 2000-2007 by distinct countries, kt
  • Table 17. Import of rebar by Russia, broken by countries, in 2000-2007, kt
  • Table 18. Supply-demand balance of rebar in Russia in 2000-2007
  • Table 19. Commissioning dwelling in Russia by Federal Districts, thousand m2 of total area
  • Table 20. Estimation of regional consumption of hot-rolled rebar (ignoring plain rebar), kt
  • Table 21. Production of reinforced concrete constructions in Russia, thousand m3
  • Table 22. Forecast of demand for rebar (ignoring plain rebar and other reinforcing materials) in Russia up to 2015
  • Table 23. Shares of distinct Russian regions in total volume of rebar consumption, %
  • Table 24. Some projects on expanding capacities on production of long-rolled steel in Russia

List of Figures:
  • Figure 1. Forecast of world production steel (from data of AME)
  • Figure 2. Indices of prices of Russian producers, % compared with January 2007
  • Figure 3. Dynamics of capital investments of ferrous metallurgy enterprises of Russia for 2000-2007
  • Figure 4. Share of export in production in 2000-2007, %
  • Figure 5. Dynamics of import of finished rolled steel (mln t) and share of import in consumption (%)
  • Figure 6. Dynamics of production and domestic consumption of finished rolled steel in Russia for 2000-2007
  • Figure 7. Production of finished rolled steel and long-rolled steel in Russia
  • Figure 8. Regional pattern of production of long-rolled steel in 2000 and 2007, %
  • Figure 9. Production of rebar (ignoring plain rebar AI)
  • Figure 10. Shares of production of rebar by diameters in Russia in 2000 and 2007
  • Figure 11. Regional pattern of rebar production in 2000, %
  • Figure 12. Supplies of rebar by diameters of JSC «ZSMK» in 2007, kt
  • Figure 13.Supplies of rebar of JSC «ZSMK» by strength classes in 2007, kt
  • Figure 14. Production of rebar by JSC «ChMK», broken by mills in 2007, %
  • Figure 15. Supplies of rebar JSC «ChMK», broken by diameters, kt
  • Figure 16. Pattern of rebar sales of JSC «ChMK» in 2007
  • Figure 17. Supplies of rebar (including rebar ÀI) of JSC «ChMK» to CIS countries in 2007
  • Figure 18. Production of rebar by JSC «MMK», broken by mills, in 2007
  • Figure 19. Supplies of rebar by JSC «MMK», broken by diameters, in 2007, kt
  • Figure 20. Supplies of rebar by JSC «MMK», broken by strength classes, in 2007, kt
  • Figure 21. Supplies of rebar by JSC «MMK» in 2007 to domestic and world markets
  • Figure 22. Production of commodity products and investments of JSC «MMK» for 2007-2013
  • Figure 23. Pattern of JSC «Severstal’» rebar sales, broken by mills, in 2007
  • Figure 24. Supplies of rebar by JSC «Severstal’», broken by diameters in 2007, kt
  • Figure 25. Share of domestic market in sales of rebar of JSC «Severstal’»
  • Figure 26. Pattern of the supplies of rebar of JSC «Severstal’» to domestic market in 2007
  • Figure 27. Pattern of capital costs of JSC «Severstal’» in 2007-2011, %
  • Figure 28. Production of rebar by PJSC «NSMMZ», kt
  • Figure 29. Export of rebar by Russia in 2000-2007, kt
  • Figure 30. Regional pattern of Russian rebar export in 2000 and 2007, %
  • Figure 31. Import of rebar by Russia in 2000-2007, kt
  • Figure 32. Regional pattern of import of rebar by Russia in 2000 and 2007, %
  • Figure 33. Export of rebar to Russia (kt) and average export prices ($/t) in 2000-2007
  • Figure 34. Average export prices on Russian rebar (spot market), fob Black Sea portsd, $/t
  • Figure 35. Average import prices on rebar in Russia, $/t
  • Figure 36. Consumption of rebar in Russia (kt) and share of import in the consumption (%) in 2000-2007
  • Figure 37. Shares of Federal Districts in consumption of rebar in Russia in 2000 and 2007, %

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